Showing posts with label ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ireland. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Giving up them cigarettes

As we all know, today is the first of October, also known as "Stoptober". Today was a bit of a fail. In Stoptober you are supposed to give up cigarettes (I smoke about 20 a day) for 28 days with the statistics saying that if you give up smoking for 28 days you are less likely to start again. Well, today I woke up later than usual (10 minutes before the bus leaves the bus stop) and I completely forgot that it was October! For some bizarre reason i thought September had 31 days and as soon as I got into town I bought a packet of smokes.

I realised my fatal mistake upon walking through the doors of my college from the shop to head to the smoking area, the thin plastic fell from between my fingers into the bin, the stiff carton opened and the delicate foil was torn away, my fingers closed on the filter as I removed the chosen one, placed the crisp paper between my lips and sparked up. The sound of the smouldering filled my ears, then, without warning my phone alerted me, the first thing I noticed was the date," Tuesday 1 October". I had failed. With that in mind I decided "sure I can start tomorrow"
I, by no means know what its like to be a life long smoker but I have been smoking for 4 years now, 3 years daily. That adds up to 140 cigarettes a week, 7280 a year, and over the past 3 years that adds up to a total of 21,840 cigarettes, meaning i have smoked 1,092 packs which at €9:40 a pack means that i have spent over €10,264.80. That's enough to buy a fairly good second hand car.
Looking back, I have no idea why I started smoking (well I do, but that's for a different blog) but I know for a fact that I wish I never started. Hopefully this whole "no smoking" drive will work.
Until my next blog, take care :)

Monday, 30 September 2013

So recently I started college... To say it's daunting would be a bit of an understatement to say the least, I'm used to the whole "get up at 6:30am" routine but there's something not quiet right about it, before I used only need one bus into town, but now I need to take two buses in, and to get home I need to take another two buses, in total that (along with food, tea and other necessities) it adds up to at least €15!
my timetable is a bit of a letdown, I start every day at 9 (except Mondays) and finish every day at 6 (except Wednesdays I finish at 12). before you start to think "wow....he has a long day" I would like you to stop and let me finish, most days I have a 3 to 4 hour break which goes PRETTY slowly!
My first week didn't go too smoothly, I found it really hard to make friends (the people i did make friends happen to be friends of my didn't go down too well) so then i was stranded, friendless and alone drinking tea in the library looking at "Giancoli Principles of physics". The second week was better, i got moved into a new group and made 2 wonderful new friends who live near campus so now I'm not alone :D. We sit in each lecture, paying attention to snap chat, facebook, twitter and candy crush accompanied with aimless scribbling on paper. Usually i meet them in the morning, have tea and get the shuttle bus up (nearly always late). our penance is sitting in a room with wooden seats for a bull hour, no leg room and to make things worse, our next 3 lectures are there.
labs are a different story, they are either hot or freezing cold.
The side effect of college is the irresistible urge to go out on a Thursday (student nights with free/discounted entry) these are proceeded by pre-drinking and result in coming home between 2 and 4 and waking up to a 9am lecture...physics